
During my first marathon attempt I struggled with debilitating cramps that forced me to walk. During the worst of them, I had to consider “why” I wanted to do this in the first place. I had already raced shorter distances without much trouble so I wanted to find my limits with a harder challenge. I guess I found my limits right?!!

At mile 18, walking off the cramps I could’ve stopped, having achieved my goal of reaching my limitations; but I know I had more to prove to myself and others. I had friends and family waiting for me at the finish line. I had the opportunity to fight through the desire to quit, a chance to defeat defeat itself and to see something through to the end. (I’ve a long history of starting strong but fading in many aspects of life). I gutted it out and finished that race and three other full marathons.

In short, I had to dig deep into my “why”

What about you? Why are you interested in Running2bwell? Why did you join our merry band? Why do you exercise and connect with us? Your “why” will keep you going when you want to quit. The stronger your “why”, the longer you’ll stay. I hope it’s until the very end and we can cheer each other across that finish line, not only in a race but in life.

Let’s finish strong together!!!!