The up-hills and the downs

Yesterday was a tough day, feeling fatigued and down. Talking and swallowing hurt and it makes it hard to eat and of course, I miss talking to folks. The reality of my cancer and its effects on my life is looming large and it’s overwhelming. It’s even more concerning because I haven’t even started treatment yet. It feels a little like a race that starts uphill and then gets steeper.

Today was also a beautiful day. So many people have reached out to support me, my family, and Running2bwell. I have the best support network a man could ask for and I know they’ll carry me during the difficult times ahead. It’s humbling and overwhelming in a sense like the positive will outweigh the negative in the end.

So, like running on hills I need to pace myself on the difficult climbs and just keep focused on the next steps, relentless forward progress. I also need to trust my support crew to give me a push and even carry me at times. The summit will come at some point and then I can coast a bit.

I’m learning how to take the ups with the downs, it’s the only way to roll.

PS: Today was a much better day!