Connection is the foundation

Connection in a safe and accepting group is what we offer at Running2bwell. We start with the assumption that we’re all messed up and have some struggles. We gather together to connect and be active (walk, run. or workout).

While exercise is important to mental health and recovery, connection is probably more important.

The opposite of addiction is connection!

-Johann Hari

We’ve all been there, feeling lonely and cut off. We’ve tried to be a part of something but it hasn’t worked out for whatever reason. Social media has probably made this all worse by deceiving us into thinking that we have healthy relationships only to find that they were superficial.

That’s why we strive to offer healthy connections with other folks working towards mental wellness and sobriety. We’re not always perfect (cause we’re all messed up) but we’ll keep trying to connect with you as long as you keep coming.

But it starts with you showing up, sending a message…connecting. The door is open.