Pump up your willpower

I’ve noticed that I struggle to make good decisions (or any at all) when I’m tired and worn down. Can you relate?

It might help you to think of your willpower as a muscle. It can be strengthened, it can grow weak when not used, it needs rest, etc. Willpower is another way of saying self-control or impulse control, it’s the ability to delay gratification for a better future reward.

Here are three ways to strengthen your willpower.

  1. Set up healthy self-care routines. Sounds boring but if our self-care is built into our daily schedules then we don’t have to expend energy deciding, we just “do”. For example, physical exercise is the foundation of my self-care and recovery plan. On cold gray Mondays (like today) it’s less of a struggle for me to get outside because I exercise every day and my body and mind just expect it.

  2. The very act of developing routines strengthens your willpower and builds confidence.

  3. Avoid stressful situations (triggers, big decisions, and important discussions) as much as possible when you’re worn down. Sleep on it and decide in the morning. You wouldn’t try to run a 5k race right after finishing a marathon, would you? Recognize when you’re tired and take a break and recover.

My overall goal this year is to be stronger in all aspects of life, especially mentally. Let’s get stronger together!