Goals, let's be SMART about them!

You likely know about SMART goals, if not, look it up.

Today, I want to focus on the R in SMART, relevant.

In Running2bwell, setting exercise goals is relevant to our recovery by focusing on the positive mental aspects. We’re more interested in how exercise makes us feel (improved mood, less anxious, more energized) than physical performance. While it’s generally true that we need to push ourselves physically to reap the mental benefits, it’s very easy to cross the line and push too hard. This can become counterproductive if it leads to disappointment or wrose, injury.

The key is to make the primary goal about feelings. #activatehappy. Walk, run, workout for the sheer pleasure of it. Pick an activity that you enjoy and get started with short sessions (snacks) of maybe 10 minutes. Being active at the same time of day (mornings are best) will increase your chances of success. After about a week of steady routine, slowly increase either the intensity or duration. Aim for increasing only 10% each week. Focus on the positive feelings after each session.

Goals are tools to achieve something but you need to be SMART about them and stay focused on the main thing, which is your recovery.

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